Handles from waistband

Handles and shoulder straps using jeans waistbands

handbag handles from jeans waist band

When making denim bags a lot of us have this idea – to make shoulder straps or handles using jeans waistband. This strap is great looking with all the washed effect, but not every waistband makes a good strap! In this free tutorial I will explain how to make them really neat. Let’s talk about choosing, detaching and so on.

Handles and shoulder straps using jeans waistbands

Choose the right waist band

The idea to make handles and shoulder straps for denim bags is good and it works, but not always and not with every waistband. What to look out for when making shoulder straps or handles using jeans waistband?

First of all – the waist shape! For the straight strap it has to be a straight waist. Those usually come in men’s jeans. Curved waists from ladies jeans will make a curved handle and we don’t want that!

Choosing the correct waist band to make shoulder strap

Second problem that might appear – the inner labels and embroidery. Some are ok, some can be removed, but I would rather avoid the bold stitching and weird colours, for me – it will not look good as handle.

Samples of waist bands which are not good for a purse strap

Third, waistbands are often too small to make a shoulder strap or two handbag handles. Do not take into the account the button and the button hole. Measure thoughtfully before detaching a waistband if it is or isn’t long enough for what you need.

Once you have a straight, clear and large enough waist on old jeans, let’s get on with it.

Remove belt loops

First, remove the loops from the top of the waist band, don’t bother with the other end of the loops, save your energy πŸ™‚ Be very careful here not to cut through the waist band, because we need it! And keep your fingers away from the pointy end of the picker!

Check out my little video how I remove belt loops:

Detach the waistband

Many times I have seen straps made from waistbands, which was simply cut off from jeans. I suppose it was the fastest way, but I don’t like the untidy look at one side. No matter how close to the waistband you cut, there always some thread show up. Let me show you the neat way to do this, it’s not that difficult after all πŸ˜‰

Remove the stitches which hold the waist to the rest of jeans. I have found out that there is magic happens sometimes. Pork the seam-ripper through a few stitches and pull the inner thread. You will be amazed if it will work on your jeans! Just pull and all the thread comes off!

Check out this video I have made for this magical way of removing the waist band:

It works on most jeans. Remember, you are not useless if this will not work – some jeans stitches are made a bit different. So if it doesn’t work, just do it the harder way – rip the thread up with the seam-ripper all the way.

Easy way to remove jeans' waist band for a sewing project
Cut off there, near button and hole.

Stitch up the open side

Voila! Just iron the strap and sew up the open side.

Sewing with denim
Full pattern is here >>>

Two handles from jeans waistband

Cool denim tote bag

These handles look awesome and easy to make. You just need to be lucky with the jeans. For the handles like this you will need one very-very large size waist band or two smaller ones but very-very matching in colour and width.

Remove the waist band, iron and stitch up the open side. Cut to the required length. Do not include the button and the button hole. Then measure and mark where you will have the unfold of the handle at each end (this depends on how deep you are planning to insert the handles into the bag). Fold along in half and secure leaving the unfolded ends loose.

Sew along starting and finishing at the markings. Secure the thread at the unfold point by going back and forth a few times.

And this is it! Beautiful looking denim handles with naturally washed effect. Ready to be inserted into your beautiful handbag.

Tote Bag sewing pattern
Sewing for this tote with closure is here >>> And the Boro inspired heart applique is here >>>

Other options for handles and straps

Take a look at other ideas I have for handles and shoulder straps. You can use belts or webbing. I describe here how to make adjustable straps for cross body bags and how to add “stoppers” when handles needs to be sewn onto a handbag’s body.

other ideas for handles and shoulder straps

By the way, there are other things you can make with old jeans waist bands, like keychains, bracelets or pin cushions, which I have free tutorials for πŸ˜‰

I will be happy to hear from you if you’ve tried any of the shoulder straps and handles for bags above or if you have other ideas to make easy shoulder straps or handles for bags. Check out more lessons about using old jeans >>> here >>>

And take a tour through some project ideas of what you can >>> make >>>

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